The start of college is an experience like no other. New friends, new environment, new teachers, a new living situation; all these situations will eventually shape who you become. When I graduated from high school I was nervous about how my adjustment to college would be. I came from the best friend group and family at home. I was nervous about meeting friends, adjusting to classes, liking my professors and every other normal high school graduate worries you can think of.
However, when classes started my freshman year, my adjustment was quite easy. I was homesick at times, but I knew that it was all a normal feeling. I made sure that I was friendly to everyone so that people would want to be friends with me. I made sure to communicate with people who may have not been exactly like me to make sure that I got to know people that had different interests.
College is the perfect time to live in the moment and cherish every single thing, good or bad, that comes your way. I know it is such a cliché saying that, “college is the best four years of your life,” but it truly is and it teaches you a lot about yourself that you might not have known. From freshman year to senior year, I would not take a single thing back that happened in my four years. Each memory I had has shaped me into the person I am today.
Although Sacred Heart is a college, I think of it more as a community. People truly care about you and want you to be the best version of yourself. Professors are there to help you grow as a professional that is about to enter the workforce.
I am more than devastated that the most memorable and fun years I had in my life so far are almost over. However, I am excited to watch all my friends grow and become what they have dreamed of.
Every learning experience, every professor you like or dislike, every dining hall meal you had, every fun time you had should be cherished. Make the most out of these four years because they go by quicker than you can ever imagine. I remember almost four years ago, the day I was moving into Merton Hall about to meet my roommate for the first time, to now applying for jobs about to enter the real world, and currently writing my last piece for the Spectrum.
Although the Class of 2020 had an ending unlike any other graduating class, it is a time that none of us will ever forget. There were a lot more memories that were still supposed to be made between my classmates and I, but I am happy I still have so many great times to look back on and remember. I am proud to be graduating from a university that takes pride in its students and wants the best for all of us.
To all underclassmen: cherish the time you have here because one day in the future you are going to be wishing that you could have another couple of years.
Sacred Heart: thank you for being the best university that I could call a second home. I will forever and always have these memories to cherish and look back on with my friends that I know I will have forever.
To my parents: thank you for giving me the opportunity to experience something that I will forever hold close to my heart.
To the Sacred Heart community: thank you for being a place where we can all come together and make great memories with one another. Each student, professor and faculty makes a huge impact on the university.
Once again, thank you Sacred Heart for shaping me into the person I am today.