Staff Writer
Are you voting in the upcoming midterm elections? With election day quickly approaching on Nov. 6, students and professors on Sacred Heart’s campus have had the opportunity to discuss the importance of the midterm elections and engage in political discussions over the past few weeks.
Alexandrea Amazan, a senior political science major, said, “Elections for local and state positions are so much more important than the presidential election because these are the politicians that you can communicate with on a more personal level.”
Professor Gary Rose, chair of the Department of Government said, “The millennial generation, in light of their raw numbers and levels of education, can profoundly impact the future of this country by voting on Election Day.”
“Millennials need to understand that elections have consequences and that it does matter which political party holds power. Voting is now so easy that there is truly no reason why young men and women cannot register and cast decisive votes in the forthcoming election. The outcome one way or another will have a direct bearing on their future.”
These elections are for positions such as the state’s representative or senator in the U.S. Congress, as well as state and local positions in the executive and legistative branches of state government.
Out of state students must return home or fill out an absentee ballot in order to vote.
Sophomore Brendan Borbone is a New Jersey native that has been registered to vote since he was 17.
“At the New Jersey DMV, one of the questions on your license is if you would like to register to vote, so I just registered then,” said Borbone.
As for whether absentee ballots are complicated, Barbone said, “It definitely involves more planning because the deadlines for everything are different.”
Barbone has already voted and sent in his absentee ballot.
Many Sacred Heart students still have yet to register.
“No, I’m not registered to vote,” said freshman Rosie Acramone. “I’m sure I’ll get around to it eventually. But if you’re someone who is on the fence about certain issues, like I am, I would definitely take some time to decide which candidate you would want to represent your values. That’s why it has taken me so long to register, because a vote matters and I would want to be entirely sure.”
Some students have registered by filling out an online form, printing it, and mailing it.
Other students, such as sophomore and Connecticut resident Lindsey Rodgers, will be going home to vote.
“I feel like my voice is important enough to be heard. I think it’s important for students to vote, especially because we are the people who are most affected by the choices being made,” said Rodgers.
Websites such as,,, and all provide online voting platforms for U.S. citizens. These websites also offer absentee ballots than can be sent to users email in boxes upon request.
However, not everyone is aware of these options.
Graduate student Anthony Mattariello said, “Personally, I’m not sure where people can register. I remember a representative came to my high school every year so I was able to register there.”
The Connecticut gubanatorial race features Democratic candidate Ned Lamont and Republican-backed candidate Bob Stefanowski.