“Vote Wackie Jackie 2020” has become an inside joke between my housemates and I due to my new position as president of Sacred Heart’s chapter of Her Campus.
If you had told the timid freshman in the back of one of the Her Campus meetings in Fall 2017 that she would eventually become the president of the club, she would have laughed in your face. I only decided to go because an upperclassman I knew from home was on the executive board, and I knew how much she enjoyed it. However, that timid freshman would eventually realize that this club would give her so much more than something to do every other week for an hour.
For those who don’t know, Her Campus is a national site of articles for college women written by fellow college women. “Her Campus is the #1 media site for college women, written entirely by the world’s top college journalists,” said the About page on their website. Her Campus has chapters at schools all across the country, including Sacred Heart University.
I am so thankful to Sacred Heart’s chapter of Her Campus and all that it has given me. First, I met one of my best friends at college through Her Campus: Devin Gavigan. During the Fall 2017 semester, Devin was just a fellow shy freshman sitting in the back during the meetings. We bonded over that, and in the Spring 2018 semester, we would meet for 63’s or Linda’s before the meetings. Fast forward to our senior year: we are living together for the second year in a row and have had countless memories and laughs. Also, we are the current president and senior editor for Her Campus Sacred Heart.
Another thing I am grateful to Her Campus for is my career path. When I first came to Sacred Heart, I had no idea what I wanted to major in or do with my life. I knew I was somewhat interested in Communications and Media Arts, but did not know what area or degree.
Once I joined Her Campus, I realized how much I loved to write. Then, during the fall semester of my sophomore year, I took CM 211: News Writing and Reporting with Professor Kabak and started writing for The Spectrum. These two things helped me realize that I not only enjoyed writing, but was good at it and could turn my passion into a career.
So, before my junior year, I declared my major as Media Arts with a concentration in Journalism. Now, during my senior year, I am writing for Her Campus, The Spectrum and Mud Magazine simultaneously, and I could not be happier.
When people ask me what Her Campus is, I always respond, “It’s a club of women supporting women expressing themselves.” It is a safe place that welcomes any and all Sacred Heart women. It is a creative outlet and a break from school work for anyone of any major. Writing articles and attending Her Campus meetings have always been a highlight of my week and a stress reliever throughout my college experience.
Her Campus is the only organization I have been part of for all four years of college. It has definitely shaped me into the woman I am today. That being said, during my junior year, I decided not only to apply for an executive board position, but the role of the president. Needless to say, things worked out.
It is definitely a lot of work to be the president of a club. This role has a lot of added responsibilities and tasks on top of being a full-time student. However, for Her Campus, it is so worth it.
First, I follow the footsteps of three amazing pioneers: Laura Lambert ‘18, Nina Lauria ‘20, and Carolyn Libosa ‘20. I look up to them so much and hope I am doing their work justice.
Second, I have an incredible e-board behind me: Devin Gavigan, Jennifer deBeus, Kaitlin Katzenback, Kathryn Andes, Madison Miller, Elizabeth Coyne, Allison Peto, Anna Bernasconi and Mackenzie Rizzo. Also, all the general members of our club are great too! Every woman involved makes it easy and reminds me how supportive the club is in addition to being a creative outlet.
Third, I love what I am doing. All those added responsibilities and tasks are worth it because this club has given me more than I could have ever imagined.
To any freshmen reading this, this could be you. You are probably sick of hearing everyone say “get involved on campus,” but it is so true. CCO has many different clubs and there is something for everyone. If you are a timid freshman like I was, find one that interests you and join. You may meet one of your best friends or find a passion you never knew you had. Who knows, you could even be the president in the future.