Learning to DJ While in Quarantine

By Daniela Cespedes
Staff Writer

As I awaken every morning, the first thing I do is check the notifications on my phone to see any emails that might have come from my professors regarding class assignments. 

I then head to my kitchen to start off my day with breakfast before setting up in the living room to check into class. 

This has been my new normal since classes switched online. I have noticed that my days are composed of, what feels like, never-ending assignments. 

On March 9, I was sitting in class impatiently waiting for the email announcing the switch to online classes. The students in my class were discussing the rumors they had heard from friends about a possible email regarding the change and as class began, we could not wait until 4 p.m. for the email to be sent. 

When Sacred Heart University students received the email announcing the change in classes, everyone in my class started smiling and checking in with their friends if they had received the email as well. I did the same thing and texted my mother saying that I will be coming home that same day. 

After class, I rushed off to my apartment and packed everything. I was so excited about the idea of spending more time with my family that I made it back home just in time for our family dinner. 

During the first few days, my family and I were staying in touch with the latest news on the coronavirus, with growing concern about what might unfold over the next few weeks. My family decided to take action very soon and practice social distancing from very early on. 

It has now been three weeks of social distancing and the only reason my family leaves our home is for grocery shopping and work. 

Although my family has been very cautious of the coronavirus, we are still concerned about the economic impact it could have. We have seen family members now work from home and others lose their jobs due to their companies closing. Even my mother’s work hours have been cut in half. 

In these uncertain times, my family has made it a goal to spend more time together. On weekdays we make sure to continue our family dinners while on the weekends we plan a game night or movie night; something we have been able to bring back since my high school days. 

While my family has planned activities to keep us distracted from the pandemic, I have also planned new activities for myself. 

I have been using my free time to learn new things. I have tried new food recipes, new hairstyles for my brother, dog and myself, and have been learning how to DJ. 

DJ-ing has always caught my attention ever since I learned it was my dad’s hobby. Now, we are both able to make time and spend it with each other doing something we both enjoy. 

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