It’s a Boy! IFC Expecting New Fraternity March 20, 2024 This coming fall, Sacred Heart University’s Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) will introduce a new fraternity to campus. This is a response to the…
SHU’s Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter February 14, 2024 Approaching two decades since its founding at Sacred Heart University, Kappa Kappa Psi fraternity persists in fostering service, growth and empowerment through its music-centered…
Spotlight: Nick Zingales September 27, 2023 Nick Zingales BY BRAD HUTCHISON Co-Spotlight Editor Throughout their years at Sacred Heart University, few students truly take advantage of everything that is offeredto them…
9/11 Memorial Held by Beta Theta Pi September 21, 2022 What is the best way to remember the great sacrifices our first responders made during the morning of Sept. 11, 2001? For the Beta…
IFC Recruitment February 5, 2020 BY Sam Lodato Staff Reporter Each semester the Interfraternity Council (IFC) at Sacred Heart University hosts recruitment for each fraternity on campus. The event…
Alpha Tau Omega “Laughs for Awareness” March 20, 2019 By Amanda De Lauzon Staff Reporter “My ATO brothers are different, but different in the best way possible,” said junior and philanthropy chair of…
“Greek Life; G-R-E-E-K-L-I-F-E” December 5, 2018 BY Anaya Vance Staff Reporter Sacred Heart University’s Office of Greek Life hosted their annual Spelling Bee last Monday, Nov. 26, at 8 p.m….
New Head of Greek Life September 26, 2018 BY JACQUELINE O’ROURKE Staff Reporter With having had experience as a fraternity brother, and successfully gone through his first recruitment weekend, Sacred Heart’s new…
Introducing Kappa Alpha Theta and Beta Theta Pi September 13, 2017 By Victoria Mescall Co-News Editor As Sacred Heart University continues to grow and expand, so do the extracurricular opportunities for undergraduate students. This Fall…
Introducing Kappa Alpha Theta and Beta Theta Pi September 12, 2017 By Victoria Mescall Co-News Editor As Sacred Heart University continues to grow and expand, so do the extracurricular opportunities for undergraduate students. This Fall…