“An act of kindness doesn’t have to be a grand gesture, a simple smile can truly leave someone feeling loved.”
-Amy Petrovich, Sophomore
“Act of kindness: My dad used to make my lunches when I was growing up and would put notes in my lunchbox that said “Have a great day”. Now whenever I am home and know that he had a bad day, I will write him a note saying “Have a good day tomorrow) and put it into his wallet.”
-Maria Cipriano, Sophomore
“An act of kindness is reaching out to others and getting them to smile or laugh.”
-Jared McCabe 2022
“Since my roommate struggles to keep her room organized, when she went away for the weekend, I surprised her by re-organizing her space.”
-Daniela Cespedes, Junior
“Something that makes me feel good is going out of my way for others, and seeing that it truly makes a difference to them. It’s always nice to do for others simply to be nice, but knowing that it helped them get through something makes it even more worth while!”
-Deanna Reinhardt
“One of my favorite small acts of kindness is when someone takes a moment to wave and say a friendly “hello” during the busy week.”
-Jill Amari, Freshman
“Its a joke that SHU is a “door holding campus”, but it genuinely is something I notice every day and am grateful for because it makes you feel respected and seen. While this is just a small act of kindness it makes this university feel like home.”
– Julia Pizzuto, Class of 2021
“Kindness to me is when people help people just to see them smile. It gives me faith in humanity that there are still people out there who selflessly give themselves to others.”
– Kristen Cignarella, Class of 2021
“An act of kindness that I always appreciate is when someone goes out of their way to do something small, like hold the door, ask you how you are, or help you hold something when your hands are full. We never know what is going on in someone else’s personal lives and small acts of kindness can make someone’s day much better.”
-Gian Capolino
“I appreciate when you let somebody go first at an intersection, or any driving scenario, the person waves at you to thank you. When your act of kindness is recognized on the road, it goes a long way.”
– Pat Kelleher
“An act of kindness would be someone being there for you whether it’s a kind text, a compliment to brighten your day, or even a friendly smile.”
– Megan Acquavella, Junior
“Once last week and again today I had two different friends pay for my coffee. Last week I was having a bad day and my friend knew that so she wanted to do something nice to help cheer me up. And today, my friend said she wanted to pay for me since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I never expect my friends to buy me coffee but when they both did it was very nice and thoughtful and truly made my day.”
-Mary Kaczmarski, Sophomore
“If I’m in the front of the line at Einstein’s and someone I know is in the back, I will offer to order and pay for them, and vice versa. I also have let strangers cut in front of me because they only wanted to get a drink.”
-Corey Picard