Iconic Shows Come to a Close

BY Alexandra Loukeris

Staff Reporter

Netflix has announced that their Netflix Originals “Orange is the New Black,” and “House of Cards,” will be ending in 2019 after the release of one last season from each show.

“I’m so sad because I think there’s so much more storyline to be told throughout the show for all the characters,” said junior Brianna Faranesh about the ending of “Orange is the New Black”.

Both of these shows were the first two “Netflix Originals” that the provider had created. The launch of both of these shows led to a wide variety of “Netflix Original” series that air on the online network.

Although “Orange is the New Black,” is watched and loved by many, some felt that it was the shows time to wrap up its story.

“I feel like this is a good time for the show to come to an end with a widely explosive last season because I feel like if it went more than seven seasons the storyline would start to become boring and dragged out,” said freshman Caroline Seretis.

While both these shows were the first in Netflix’s original series journey, there impact will live long after the final episode.

Many are excited for what the final season of “Orange is the New Black,” will bring.

“My expectations for the last season are honestly high. Since the season before left us all in awe, the last season must be something amazing,” said junior Gabriella Iacono. “It must tie all the seasons together and if it doesn’t, I’m going to be very disappointed.”

Throughout the series of “Orange is the New Black,” the audience was able to relate and get attached to the characters on the show.

“I have a favorite character from every season. However, my overall favorite character is without a doubt Tasha Jefferson who goes by ‘Taystee.’ She was an icon on the show,” said Iacono.

Last year, “House of Cards” star Kevin Spacey was faced with sexual assault allegations, which led to his removal from the show. The absence of Spacey may have played a hand in the ending of the show.

“The Spacey allegations have made the show a toxic product to sell,” said Dean Larry Wielk, Dean of Students. “That said, it’s also likely that the end of the show was near in that it was running out its course and the storylines were almost played out. But, mostly, it was the Spacey situation that caused its demise.”

The final season of “House of Cards” is currently on Netflix and the final season of “Orange is the New Black” will air in 2019.

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