By Jessica Chaloux
Managing Editor
The Sacred Heart University Theatre Arts Repertoire Program hosted actress Lin Tucci, currently known for her role as Anita DeMarcoin “Orange is the New Black,” on Sunday, Nov. 5.
Tucci has worked in the acting world for most of her life, describing that it was a teacher in high school who inspired her career. From there she has worked in roles within “Showgirls,” “Nunsensations,” “Nuncrackers” and others.
Tucci was brought to speak to the program thanks to Leo Carusone, Assistant Director of Theatre. Before beginning the Q&A to the invited students, Carusone and Tucci began by reminiscing on their past together and how they had met on set of a theatre show they had both been working on.
Their time together as professionals transitioned into a life long friendship as they both consider each other one of their closest friends. Their connection brought this opportunity for Sacred Heart students to be able to meet and ask questions to a professional in the industry.
“It’s great to have someone with so much experience and the same interests come and talk to us. Her journey to where she is now is really interesting to hear about, especially after a show about ‘Tick, Tick… BOOM!’ which is about following your dreams,” said senior Tiffanie Rosenberg, TAP Recruitment Chair.
Students gathered in the Little Theatre to learn about Tucci’s experience in an open forum discussion. The questions started off with junior Mackenzie Page asking which acting outlet she liked better, and the differences between television and traditional theatre.
“Theatre gives you the reward that really in my opinion, you don’t get that reward as you process ‘Orange is The New Black.’ As you’re on set, once we finish an episode, until the season comes out and then you go ‘oh so that’s what I did.’ You really don’t have the momentum that you have and the luxury of rehearsing and seeing your character’s arc develop and then coming to the opening night and then you [get the full picture],” said Tucci in response to Page’s question.
She continued to explain that while on set for television shows such as “Orange is the New Black,” a lot of time is put in between shots and scenes and a big part of the acting is repeating lines over and over for different camera angles.
“I really am grateful to have had the opportunity to have done both,” said Tucci.
The Sacred Heart actors and actresses continued to ask Tucci questions such as how to hire an agent, what it was like to act in different cities and her favorite moments on set of “Orange is the New Black.” She also gave insight to how behind the scenes on set of the popular show worked and her relationship with the other actors.
“All of us when we get a script in and we think someone is going to [be killed] or something’s going to happen to them, that they’re not going to be in for a few episodes, we go through mourning. I mean, we’re like a family, it’s huge. It’s become a big family. When we are on hiatus, I get depressed,” said Tucci.
Students in the repertoire program were thankful for the visit from Tucci and enjoyed taking photos with her after the event.
“To be able to learn from the experiences and insight of a professional actor is a rare opportunity and I was lucky enough to experience such an opportunity. Lin Tucci’s visit was a wonderful experience that I am grateful for having been apart of,” said sophomore Matthew Henshaw.