The Multicultural Center is a hub of opportunity to engage in cultural expression and cultural exchange. Students can relate to others who have similar college experiences through a cultural connection and many clubs run through the center.
Senior Nicole Sperling said, “I like to call it a home away from home.” It is a space for anyone to meet and make friends, do homework, or study.
The center, found in HC111 of the main academic building is open from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Wisdom Wednesdays are hosted every Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
“Wisdom Wednesday comes from me because I know that students need developmental conversations to talk about their experiences consistently. It gives students the opportunity to build their own sense of emotional intelligence, build their own character. I feel like that’s what students miss sometimes,” said Executive Director of Multicultural Affairs, Robert Johnson.
“[Johnson] being an alumnus from Sacred Heart himself he has gone through the same stuff that we have gone through as an underrepresented student so he’s able to talk upon how he’s grown as an individual but also just talk about it from a holistic point as being someone older than us and has had those life experiences,” Sperling said.
The Multicultural Center is a place for students to come together and talk about anything on their mind.
“I tell people that the Multicultural Center is my favorite place on campus,” said senior Erin Paranal. “I think it’s a great addition to SHU because it provides underrepresented students with the opportunity to connect with one another and share our joined experiences.”
Johnson noted the importance of this connection, which is fostered through Wisdom Wednesdays.
“You go through four years of school and all you’ve done is if you’re in a fraternity, or you played a sport, or you’ve been a part of cultural clubs, and you’re getting ready to leave and you feel unprepared because you haven’t had real conversations about real stuff and wisdom Wednesday is the opportunity to do that,” said Johnson.
Students are aware of the impact these conversations have as well.
“In Sacred Heart’s mission statement, they specifically talk about their vision for social justice so being the office for exclusive excellence and the multicultural center we definitely have that aspect that we can grow and advocate for that vision for social justice,” said Sperling.
The Multicultural Center was created in 2020 and has grown exponentially within the last four years.
“My hope is that the center can continue to evolve and be a place where students feel accepted, they can learn about other experiences, they can celebrate their own experiences and their own selves and know that who they are as they come into the space is okay but something like a wisdom Wednesday allows them to refine that and home in on it,” Johnson said.
“The world is a diverse place and if you go four years of college and never interact with someone who doesn’t experience the world like you, you’re going to go out into the real world assuming that everyone experienced life the exact same way as you and that’s not true,” said Johnson.