The Student Nursing Association (SNA) at Sacred Heart University partnered with the American Red Cross and hosted a blood drive on Feb. 22.
For the first time, the blood drive took place in the West Campus Atrium from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Senior Nicolette Mascioli, President of the Student Nursing Association, said a great deal of preparation went into hosting this blood drive. “The main preparation, aside from having students sign up to help at the drive, is having the representative from American Red Cross come and find an appropriate location on campus to have the event take place,” said Mascioli.
Once the SNA decided to host the drive in West Campus, they were able to gather volunteers. “From there, we send out the links to sign up to both donate blood and volunteer their time to help, and then we go to the event for when the organization is setting up in preparation to obtain the blood,” said Mascioli.
The blood drive offered a total of 68 spots for individuals to sign up and donate.
“Signing up for the blood drive was easy,” Mascioli said. “Our nursing students get priority to sign up for the blood drive. This is done through a link through the American Red Cross. All they need to do is click that link which brings them to the blood drive happening at Sacred Heart University. If there are more spots, we open it up to faculty.”
Source: Sacred Heart University Photo Shelter
Sacred Heart Nursing students pose after donating their blood.Source: Sacred Heart University Photo Shelter
Members of the SHU community were able to donate blood at West Campus on Feb. 22.
For this event, members of the SNA were assigned different roles so that the blood drive was well organized and went as planned. These roles included set up, registration, nutrition station, bathroom monitoring, greeting, and clean up.
Junior Olivia Arnold was assigned the role of greeting donors. “My specific role was to greet the people coming in to give blood. For the time I was there, we had a couple of walk-ins which I was so happy about! Our role was to schedule them to keep the blood drive running as smoothly as possible.”
Members of the SNA were very grateful to host such a rewarding event. “As nurses, we will be giving blood transfusions frequently. We will be able to see firsthand how vital these transfusions are to saving our patients lives. Some of us have already been able to witness it in clinical trials! To be able to host an event that allows us to meet the donors who make it all happen is extremely special,” said Arnold.
Some students at Sacred Heart recognized the initiative that SNA had taken to host a blood drive. “It’s easier to donate blood when the blood drive is easily accessible. I think that the SNA hosting a blood drive on campus gives SHU students a great opportunity to donate blood because there is no need for transportation. The opportunity is brought to you.” said senior Nicole Lemos.
Accordingly, Arnold agreed that the drive was a great success. “I thought it was wonderful to see people from our local community coming to donate, not just students. It’s just such a humbling experience to see everyone come together and take an hour out of what I am sure is a very busy day to help,” said Arnold.
If you are interested in donating blood this semester the SNA will be hosting two more blood drives, one on March 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and one on April 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.