By Hannah O’Brien
Staff Reporter
Becoming Sacred Heart University’s Student Government President was never planned out for Addison Chau. The key for Chau making it as president was for him to go with the flow.
Aside from being Student Government President, Chau is involved in other school clubs and organizations. From Student Ambassadors, string ensemble, Campus Ministry and Sweet Peer Educators, these are all groups Chau is affiliated with.
For Chau, adding on his extracurricular was the best thing he could have done for himself.
“I look at myself as being a pretty relaxed guy,” said senior Chau. “Joining more things, one by one, from my freshman to senior year really helped me learn how to balance my time and manage it all. Staying relaxed is something important when I have a lot of work to do.”
Many students also found Chau to be very helpful to them.
“When it comes to organizing things like the Turkey Drive, he was there to help me,” said senior Sarah Palmieri. “Addison’s very supportive and helps me when I need it.”
“Addison has had a huge impact on our campus, and as a SWEET peer educator, he’s really helped us a lot,” said senior Julia Chiappetta. “He’s the one that got #SexatSHU started, and we won an award for our programming this past April. That alone was a huge deal so we’re definitely lucky to have him on our team. He’s one of the friendliest people on this campus and he’s a genuinely good person.”
Sacred Heart was not Chau’s first choice, but after it being suggested as a school with a great physical therapy program, he figured he should apply. Just like many other students here at Sacred Heart, Chau changed his mind when it came to picking majors.
Once being accepted into Sacred Heart, throughout his years here, he figured out that it was English he wanted to pursue instead of physical therapy.
“It was a blessing in disguise coming to a smaller school like Sacred Heart,” said Chau. “Now after being here, I’m glad I figured out what I have a passion for. Majoring in English, I want to go into higher education administration. Being a part of student government helped me realize that.”
Chau changing his path from freshman to senior year at college is something students can relate to.
“Addison is a very inspiring role model. I would say his best feature would be his hope. Even besides hope from his faith, Addison is always putting his best foot forward into any situation,” said junior Cory Robinson.
Chau is also commended on his great leadership skills.
“Addison is a great leader and is always encouraging us to follow through with our ideas,” said junior Hayley Lopreto, Student Government Class of 2018 President. “He leads without being demanding and is the type of leader that is right there with us every step of the way.”
With Chau looking forward to his future, he continues on with his passions.
“Recently, I have been jumping from department to department seeing what I like best,” said Chau. “I am looking at graduate schools. But, I know for sure I want to continue on and work within a school system.”