Journey to Journalism

Spectrum is more than words on a newspaper. Spectrum is filled with a board of members who work hard on a weekly basis to provide a professional piece of work. As a member of this board for two years, I can say we are very proud of what we produce on a weekly basis.

However, Spectrum is much more than a newspaper. At first, it was learning to love journalism and seeing my work out there in the world for people to read. I knew I loved to cover sports, and Spectrum had an opportunity to strengthen my writing and leadership skills.

Two years later, I have made countless friends and have also had the benefit to work with and help others grow. I have helped others learn to love the value of journalism and that it is more than words on a piece of paper. I have enjoyed watching writers blossom and understand the language of sports in journalistic writing.

I started out with Spectrum as a staff writer, and I will be leaving as sports editor. My goal entering Spectrum was to write about sports. I will be leaving with journalistic skills, a handful of friends, and a lot of appreciation for the experience I gained.

The confidence I have gained in the last two years is incredible. I finally feel confident in my own skin, and Spectrum was one of those reasons. Spectrum taught me to believe in myself and to help others gain that confidence.

To Dan Gardella, the Spectrum’s Editor-in-Chief, thank you for getting me hooked on covering Sacred Heart sports when I was one of your writers. To Shannon Szefinski, the Spectrum’s Managing Editor, thank you for teaching me the value of hard work and an enjoyable work environment.

To Professor Kabak, who is the advisor of Spectrum, thank you for working with us weekly and encouraging us to be better than the last issue we produced. You have taught someone like myself to continue to work hard and be better than the week before. 

If you’re reading this and questioning whether you should join Spectrum or that club at your university, don’t question, just join! I encourage you not to hesitate and to step out of your comfort zone. You will meet amazing people, add experience to your resume, and gain confidence for the future.

To the individuals who join the board down the road, thank you for continuing the work that so many people have contributed to. I hope you soak up every moment you have with it because before you know it, you will be graduating and handing off the work to the next board.

Spectrum, I will not miss the stress at times, but I will miss everyone and everything that you have brought me. Without stress, there is no reward. This is a worthwhile reward, and I will miss every moment of it.

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