With success comes failure. Read that again.
Although I am only a junior here at SHU, I think that my time as a kid has started to come to an end. This is sad to say, but I think that I am starting to become an adult, or at least do adult things.
Recently, I landed my first internship at PrimeTime Lacrosse for this summer. Before this opportunity, I had been applying to a lot of internships.
Each time I sent my resume to a company, I would hope for a response, but never got one. This was very frustrating to me, as some of you can relate because not only was I not given a response back, I felt like I was not good enough.
Alongside this, I had been trying to obtain a higher certification as a National Ski Patroller. It was the next step to becoming something that I could be proud of and share with my twin brother and dad as they were also going through this training.
As ski patrollers, it is our duty to care for the general ski public when they need it, as well as ensure their safety. We are trained to the level of an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and can fix almost any situation.
This means that when you fall down and break your arm on the side of a double black diamond, me and some other patrollers will take care of you.
My dad is my hero and to go through this training with him was difficult. Long story short, we spent the winter of 2020 training to become Senior Alpine Patrollers but did not pass.
This not only made me frustrated again, but it also made me lose sight of why I became a patroller in the first place and made me question why I was not good enough to pass.
After last winter, I had given up on myself, and it was hard to continue to be rejected by so many companies for potential internships. This spring, that changed.
I received a message in the beginning of February saying that out of 120 applicants I was one of the few selected that would move forward to the interview process. I was ecstatic!
After this message I received an email notifying me what time I should pick for an online interview. I picked a day and time, put on a nice shirt and went to the interview.
I was asked routine questions like, “Why do you want to work here? What do you want to do after college? What experience do you have?” etc.
After the interview, which went well, I did not hear back from them for about a week and a half. I got a little nervous until they reached out again asking for my references.
Then Feb. 22 came with an email. I read the first line, “Congratulations!” My excitement levels had risen to heights I had no idea existed.
I had finally done it. I landed an internship, one that I was passionate about. I am excited to start this journey during the summer and see what the future holds for me.
It is very important to keep moving forward. Keep trying at anything you are passionate about, even if it takes thirty years to obtain or master. Your hard work will pay off in the end.