As I look back on my last four years here at Sacred Heart, it’s important I note that none of this would be possible without the support, guidance, and love of those in the SHU community, as well as those at home. I want to take this opportunity to say my thanks, and acknowledge the people and experiences that got me all the way to graduation.

First off, thank you to the random dad that helped loft my bed in Merton freshman year, whose child in which I’m still not sure he belonged to. You saved my family a lot of time and energy on that move-in day, and my mom is still really thankful she didn’t have to do it.
Thank you to Merton for introducing me to some of the best friends I’ll keep for life. You guys are never getting rid of me.
Thank you to COVID for… just kidding.
Thank you to the SHUttle for always keeping me on my toes and letting me guess when you’ll show up at PG. Every. Single. Day.
Thank you to every Uber driver who took me all around Connecticut, or dropped off my food when I was too lazy to get it myself.
Thank you to JP’s for putting the Italian Chicken sandwich back on the menu. I had to resort to other meals until it was back which was really tough for me.
Thank you to that one professor that gave me the lowest final grade I’d ever received in my four years at SHU, you really humbled me with that one. Thank you in the way that Taylor Swift is giving her thanks in her song, “thanK you aIMee.”
Thank you to the Merritt Parkway for teaching me that being a good driver is a waste of time if everyone else around you is bad. When they stoop low, you stoop lower.
Thank you to 214 Anton Drive for bringing my friends and I stray cats to feed in our backyard, weird neighbors that made us feel normal, and an opportunity to hang anything on our walls and call it decor. And thanks to the group of guys that lived in our house before us; we love the frat party aura our basement brings and the full cans still stuck in the rafters that we can’t reach.
But in all seriousness, I want to thank SHU for bringing me some of the best friends I could have ever known, the greatest support from the English and SCMA departments that I could’ve asked for in a school, and especially my family for having my back at all times. I wouldn’t be walking across that stage on May 11 if it wasn’t for all of you.
Also, thank you to the SHU Dance Ensemble and the Spectrum Newspaper for giving me outlets to be my most creative self and do things I love to do with equally amazing people.
The past four years have been some of the best to date, and I’m excited to see what my future holds.