I always felt that I never got enough chances to say thank you to the people that have touched my life, and speak about the experiences that changed me for the better. In this time of ultimate reflection as my senior year comes to a close, a trip down memory lane is my best effort to encapsulate why Sacred Heart is SACRED in my Heart.
The Professors that Have Molded Me:
A professor’s job is to teach the students, to guide them, and send them off better than when they came into the classroom. I was lucky enough to have professors here that didn’t want me to just succeed in the classroom, but instead to excel after I graduate from Sacred Heart, and instilled important values that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. Professor Thorne, you are a true role model for me. Through your caring and thoughtful advising, and your thorough teaching of digital storytelling, I am forever a better student thanks to you. Professor Alicastro, although our time in class together was short, the impact will last much longer. Your guidance on broadcast journalism and telling a story with meaning is what I will hold on to in my days working out in the field. Professor Kabak, you have provided me with what journalism truly means. Being a reporter that possesses the traits of dignity and honesty is the most important thing I have learned here at Sacred Heart thanks to you. It has been more than a pleasure to work alongside you these past couple of years, and the lessons you have taught me will never be forgotten.
The Experiences that have Enlightened Me:
In my sophomore year, during the “fever dream” year as many in the class of 2023 call it, I spent the fall semester living in the Marriott Hotel in Stratford with my three other roommates as Calcutta was still under construction. I am confident that I will tell my children about this semester years down the road, and how it was truly a bizarre and unique time. Despite the craziness of it, this semester meant so much to me because it is when my roommates and I became the best of friends, mainly because we were the only people we saw pretty much everyday. Never again will I get to experience such a unique time in my life. This other experience is one that many of my fellow classmates have likely spoken about, but I don’t think I have ever really reflected enough on my time in Dingle, Ireland for study abroad. I had no idea what to expect going into it, and I had even less of an idea how meaningful the time I spent there would be for the rest of my life. The green grass, the beautiful landscapes, the friendliest people, and the memories stick with me. Foxy John’s and Dingle Pub forever.
The People that Made these 4 Years Unforgettable:
Blessings in my life have come in so many shapes and sizes, but they especially have come in the form of some amazing people I have gotten to befriend here. First off, my roommates Joe, Roy and Zander, the guys I have been living with since our freshman year at Bergoglio Hall, have become some of my closest friends and although graduation is soon, there is no end date on our friendship. Next up, I wouldn’t be where I am as a sports media student if it wasn’t for the opportunities presented to me by Shannon Torres and Shannon Szefinski. You both have catapulted my abilities and confidence in myself to do all of the amazing things that come with working in the sports media field, I thank you greatly for that. My last thank you goes to two people I have been fortunate enough to work alongside this year: Mia Sansanelli and Brendan Williams. Without you two, the Spectrum Newspaper doesn’t happen. Your contributions and dedication to this newspaper are a testament to your characters. Our trio is one for the books, and my Mondays will truly never be the same. Chili’s Forever.
As this will be my last article as a member of the paper, I would like to just end with this:
I can vividly remember my mother and I taking a tour of campus for the first time. I passed a Spectrum rack, grabbed a paper and told her “This is what I want to do when I get here.” Nearly 5 years later, I am so happy I did. Thank you Spectrum, for everything.