BY: Hannah Jones
Staff Reporter
Do you feel safe going out on the weekends?
With the recent shooting that killed 12 college students at a bar in Southern California, some students have reported that they feel uneasy going out.
“The shooting definitely makes me think twice about going out because it has become more common and that’s scary,” said senior Marisa Tache, a communications major.
Sophomore Rebecca Radisic, a Theatre Arts major, said, “Whenever I go out, I try my best not to think of the recent shootings, but because they are so common in the news, I can’t help but feel some kind of uneasiness when going out on or off campus.”
According to Mark J. Terrill, an Associated Press journalist, there have been 307 mass shootings reported in 2018 so far.
This has caused some students to use some precautions when they go out.
Freshman Arianna Fournaris, a college of arts and sciences undecided major, enjoys going out, but feels more nervous when going out now.
“I am always being cautious of my surroundings. I don’t like to live my life in fear and not go to things, so I do still go out,” said Fournaris.
On the other hand, some students don’t feel affected by the shootings.
Junior Christina Noto, a Biology major, said, “Even after the shootings, I still feel safe going out on the weekends because I trust the places I go.”
“I feel comfortable going out, but mostly because these shootings are something you’ll never be able to relate to unless you have been directly in one,” said junior John Stevens, a nursing major.
Some students report that they get their news coverage about the shootings through social media outlets like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Junior Chelsea McNulty, a nursing major, said that due to recent shootings, she is more aware of what’s going on around her.
“After recent shootings, I watch and read the news more and pay more attention to what is occurring in our world,” said McNulty.
Moreover, students report that recent shootings have made them become more aware of their safety when going out.
“I do my best to keep safe by being aware of my surroundings, never going anywhere alone, and making sure my friends know where I am at all times,” said Noto.
Tache said that the most important thing she does to stay safe is to never go anywhere alone.
Junior Jake Doble, a theatre arts and media arts major said, “I always charge my phone before going out. This is very important to me because in case of an emergency, I can call for help.”
Sophomore Thomas Mckenna, a business major, said that his grandfather has taught him what to do in a crisis. “Hide yourself, and shield your body,” said Mckenna.
The iPhone app “Find My Friends” is a location sharing app. Students are able to see their friends’ locations with the use of this app.
Many students have reported that they share their locations with friends and family.
“I share my location with my friends because it’s easy to know where they are if we need them for something, and in a case of emergency we can always find each other,” said Fournaris.
Stevens said that he does not share his location with his friends.
“I do not share my location, but I probably should. It’s definitely a good idea for people to share their location,” said Stevens.
Some students report that they use Uber, a ride sharing and transportation network, when going out.
However, most students only feel safe using Uber when they are with a group.
Freshman Noelle Micelii, an education major, said, “Sometimes I feel nervous about taking an Uber, but if I am with my friends I am not nervous. I refuse to Uber alone.”
On the contrary, Mckenna feels safe taking an Uber alone.
“Uber tracks your location, so if anything happens, you can easily be found,” said Mckenna.
As many college students enjoy going out on the weekends, the aftermath of the shootings has made students nervous. However, it has not stopped them from living the “college life.”
“Personally, I don’t let the thought of a possible shooting get to me because that’s no way to live,” said sophomore Jaime Bair, a health science major. “The second we let these shooting get to us and change how we act in our lives is the second that those shooters win.”
“So rather than living in fear, spread kindness to remember those who lost their lives to such a horrific act,” said Bair.