Your 2023-2024 SHU Highlights: What Will you Miss the Most? April 24, 2024 As students finish up their final assignments, pack away their rooms, say goodbye to our roommates, and soak up the last few days of…
Connecticut Sec. of the State Debuts College Voter Initiatives April 17, 2024 On Tuesday, April 9, Connecticut Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas held a discussion on campus to engage young people in getting involved titled…
A Conversation with Governor Ned Lamont November 2, 2022 The Spectrum conducted an exclusive one on one interview with Governor Ned Lamont. Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont is running for re-election following his first…
SHU student with COVID-19 speaks out April 8, 2020 By Celia Zevon Staff Writer Junior Connor McLaughlin, who became ill with COVID-19, is emphasizing the importance of social distancing. McLaughlin self-isolated for two weeks as he separated himself…
Cody Ko Comes to Chat with SHU Students September 25, 2019 By Neil Grasso Contributing Writer YouTuber. Vine star. Comedian. Podcaster. Influencer. Entrepreneur. Rapper. Cody Ko can do it all. Sacred Heart students and faculty…
Club Spotlight: Marketing Club December 5, 2018 By Tara Zanni Staff Reporter There are over 60 student-run clubs at Sacred Heart University, and the Marketing Club is making strides this semester….
‘Spectrum’ Gets in Sync with Lance Bass: Exclusive Interview October 24, 2018 By Stephanie Doheny Asst. Features Editor On Monday October 15, 2018 former *NSYNC band member and current producer, actor, and entertainment star Lance Bass…