Every year in the midst of the Fall semester, Sacred Heart University Family Weekend. It is a special event that gives parents and friends of students a glimpse into campus life at Sacred Heart.
Senior Djoe Hostin claims that Family Weekend at Sacred Heart is one event that he really appreciates.
“There’s always such a great atmosphere around campus and I really acknowledge the amount of effort from the staff and students that go into the weekend behind the scenes,” said Hostin. “I think it’s a unique celebration to SHU as I have rarely heard of other universities hosting an event as such.”
The Saturday afternoon football game at the campus field was one of the most anticipated events of Family weekend. Families and students packed the stands as Sacred Heart’s Football team defeated Stonehill College 40 – 27.
According to junior Kim Fenton, the football game was the weekend’s standout activity for both her and her parents.
“My mum and dad were beyond excited for the weekend in general as they haven’t gotten to take part in the event before due to their busy schedules, they were eager to get to the football game as they are huge fans of the sport and loved every minute of the game,” said Fenton.
Students and loved ones prepped for the SHU football game at Family Weekend. Saturday, October 15, 2022. Photo by Sacred Heart University Fireworks on Campus Field helped kick off Family Weekend. Photo by Sacred Heart University
Sacred Heart families were also able to enjoy walking around campus to see how the university has grown throughout the last couple of years.
“My parents had a blast at the family weekend, we attended most events on campus including the fireworks, the football game, concerts, and the tour around campus,” said senior Julia Swett. “They were especially in shock with how much the university has expanded since I came to SHU back in 2019.”
Junior Aina Garriga had a very fulfilling weekend despite the fact that her parents couldn’t attend the weekend festivities since they were overseas.
“I got to meet a lot of my close friend’s family and I felt the excitement and love around campus which truly brightened my days, a standout day for me was the Friday when there was a beautiful display of fireworks at the campus field,” said Garriga.
Freshmen at Sacred Heart were particularly excited about the occasion since it gave them a chance to introduce their families to their new friends and show them where they would be spending the next four years.
“It’s been a transition coming into college and being far from my family and hometown friends, so this weekend was truly amazing as I got to reunite with them,” said freshman Ava Scordo. “They also got to see their first college football game and I brought them to Sacred Heart Choirs event which was definitely their favorite part of the weekend. They were also thrilled and relieved to observe how well I have settled in at university so far.”