Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a spike in cases at Sacred Heart University, the second Dance Program performance of the semester, “Winter Moves,” has been canceled.
Every year, the Sacred Heart University Dance Program puts on four performances: two in the fall and two in the spring. The program includes the Dance Company, the Pro Track of Dance Company, SHU Mo(ve)ment, the Pro Track of Hip Hop Production, the Inception Dance Crew, the Irish Dance Ensemble (also known as the Claddagh Dancers) and the Dance Ensemble.
Many members of the Dance Program were upset by the cancellation of the performance.
“It was really sad because it was supposed to be livestreamed for everyone to watch online,” said senior Danielle Davanzo, student choreographer and Spectrum PR Manager.
“We are all very saddened to have had to cancel the ‘Winter Moves’ concert,” said Kari Williams, Director of the Dance Program.
This performance was scheduled to be presented as a livestream showcasing 18 different dance works, 13 of which were student choreographed, on Sunday, Nov. 22.
“The students of the SHU Dance Ensemble choreography/leadership track worked extremely hard to put together an amazing lineup of dances in all styles from Hip Hop and Heels to Contemporary, Tap, and more,” said Williams.
“Families and friends would have had to purchase the livestream link to view this performance at home. Each live dance was going to be a student-filmed piece so that we could clean the stage in between,” said senior Cara Gileau.
Many students were saddened by the news of the cancellation.
“I had the advantage of not only filming the student pieces, but also being a co-choreographer with Allie Miller and having a dance of our own in the show,” said Gileau. “Our piece was to ‘All That Jazz,’ a popular hit from Broadway’s ‘Chicago.’ I have always wanted to do a number from that show, and Allie and I were so excited to create something of our own.”
“We have arranged for these pieces to be rehearsed and filmed upon the students’ return to SHU in the spring semester so that the work will not be lost,” said Williams.
There was, however, still a livestream of the “Destruct/ure” performance by the Dance Company on Friday, Nov. 21.
The Dance Program is confident and hopeful that there will be better things to come after students return from winter break.
“We’re hoping to have a live streamed show in the spring. We may not have an audience, but hopefully we will have it live streamed,” said Davanzo.
The Dance Program will be professionally filming pieces in the spring. Members of the program feel this will be beneficial because it would allow others to watch the show at home or on a mobile device.
“We are hoping to have a show in the spring as well, but it is hard to tell how things will be at that point in regards to COVID. But, we are still preparing to have new pieces like we do every semester, so as long as rehearsals can remain in person, I think a show is a possibility,” said Gileau. “As for the dances this semester, we will be filming those as well right when we come back from break. With a few final rehearsals over winter break, we will be ready to have those filmed so that they can still be showcased. I hope that we can have some sort of performance, even if it needs to be outdoors, especially since that will be my last time dancing.”
For more information about the Dance Program and past shows, visit http://edgertoncenter.org/dance_program.php.