BY Sara Terpak
Circulation Manager
Disney Studios has recently begun releasing live action versions of their classic cartoon animated movies.
Public opinion is split between favoring the animated origional versions and the live action remakes, now coming to the big screen.
“I think I will always prefer the original animated movies from my childhood, but it’s interesting to see these movies I grew up watching be brought to life,” said sophomore communications major, Kaitlin Katzenback. “I’m really excited to see all the new films being released.”
In order to create these up-and-coming live action films, Disney takes a film out of their catalogue of old movies and uses famous actors and actresses, special effects and clever writing to appeal to a new audience of all ages.
“Personally, I’m a big fan of the animation, I’ll always have a special place in my heart for the classics,” said sophomore communications major, Lindsey McCarthy.
People often have the misconception that animation is for children.
Fans argue if Disney keeps making live action films, people will become uninterested.
“I honestly feel like the live action remakes are ruining the classics, some classics shouldn’t be turned into live actions at all,”said junior buisness management major, Kevin Gillotti. “Only some should be remade and only released once every other year, so the anticipation for the live action movies are still high.”
Disney recently announced that “Aladdin”,“Dumbo”, “The Lion King”, and more are currently in the works. But Disney has recreated older films like Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and The Jungle Book.
“Having my favorite classic come to life was surreal, especially the ballroom scene took my breath away” said Katzenback, about the infamous ballroom scene from Beauty and the Beast.
Children today will know and remember movies like “Coco” and “Moana” as their childhood Disney movies, but the live action films appeal to all ages, including adults who grew up watching the classics.
“The originals will always be a favorite, but the recreation of the live action films will keep the classics alive. Although, Disney has to be precise in how they recreate these movies because they are so iconic and if they’re not done right, they’ll only disappoint Disney fans” said sophomore psychology major, Corinne Blanchette.