Club Spotlight: Rock Club

By Dante Cabral

Asst. Features Editor & Circulation Manager

Do you have a passion for rock music, culture, or just the overall genre of rock? Then the Rock Club is definitely the club for you.

The Rock Club started at Sacred Heart University at the end of last semester.

The club was initially created as a way for students who were interested in rock music to meet and talk with those who shared the similar passion.

It then turned into so much more for it’s club president, senior Gabriel Martinez, who is also a Graphic Designer for The Spectrum.

“I felt as if this club had the ability to bring a rock music vibe to campus,” said Martinez. “Whether it’s through films based off of bands, playing rock band, or getting people to understand the massive genre itself.”

The idea for the club was thought up and created between Martinez and senior Aidan Satterwhite, who is vice-president of the club.

“It really came to fruition when we found our fantastic advisor in our art class,” said Satterwhite.

The advisor for the club is Professor Nathan Lewis, who is a professor from the art department.

“He grew up during the heat of the rock era, and really wants to do his best to get the club’s name out there,” said Martinez.

The club typically meets Thursday nights at 8 p.m. in HC 205.

These meetings typically consist of activities such as writing down new music, listening to classic rock songs, and adding music from artists.

They then listen and talk about music, while sharing information about music that is being performed close to Sacred Heart.

The last meeting consisted of a presentation of a couple of bands that recently performed near Sacred Heart such as, Living Colour and New Found Glory.

While the club is still pretty new to Sacred Heart, Martinez and Satterwhite have done their best to try and spread the word about the club.

They recently were at the Just SHU-IT fair to try and spread the word about their club name.

“It has been so rewarding to see it grow from four or five members to over twenty passionate people,” said Satterwhite.

Martinez also feels that the club is becoming more successful as time goes on.

They plan to hold an event where they will show a film to show people what the rock culture is all about. 

They also plan to start sending out university-wide emails, as well as design a poster about the club in order to try and attract more members.

To be involved with the club, students are encouraged to attend the meetings as they take place, as meeting attendance is essential for club involvement.

If students are interested in getting involved they are encouraged to contact Gabriel Martinez at or Professor Lewis at

“My favorite part of the club has absolutely been meeting the wonderful music-lovers that have spent their Tuesdays/Thursdays with us,” said Satterwhite.

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