By Mary O’Connell
Staff Reporter
Sacred Heart University’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is working this semester to bring publicity to organizations, clubs and sport teams throughout the university and the local area.
The PRSSA chapter gives their members the opportunity to gain experience in their profession.
“As a marketing major, being in the PRSSA club gives me the opportunity to learn more on how to put myself out there,” said senior Shaquille Saunchez.
The Sacred Heart PRSSA organization is just one of the many chapters around the country. This society is a national public relations organization that is dedicated to guiding and supporting students that are interested in the fields of public relations and communications. The PRSSA is helped by its parent organization, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).
“PRSSA offers so many networking and internship oppurtunities because it’s a national organization. We are sponsored by a PRSA chapter made up of working public relations professionals,” said junior Lydia Wight.
Students in the club are able to attend conferences and regional meetings, connect with public relations professionals and have access to internships, special grants and scholarships.
Having these benefits at their disposal allows students to dip their toes into the
profession before they enter the work force, in addition to staying active in the school’s community.
“We do everything from digital editing to photo and video production. We also create flyers. We like to collaborate with a lot of organizations and clubs throughout the Sacred Heart community to assist and publicize their events when it comes to community service or just basically anything that’s happening around campus,” said President of the Sacred Heart’s chapter of PRSSA senior Christian Carter.
From working on projects with the Students Today Alumni Tomorrow (STAT) club and designs for the Men’s Division I Hockey Team, the club has achieved many goals in their chapter.
The PRSSA club is planning on helping club campaigns at Sacred Heart expand their reach. They also want to start working on incorporating more video production to enhance publicity. In addition, they also have the objective to work with other chapters to work on bigger campaigns.
Aside from their work, their main goal for the whole year is to solidify and gain more recognition.
“Right now our chapter is trying to reestablish itself as a chapter and create a name for itself. That’s our main goal right now,” said Carter.