My time at Sacred Heart has been bumpy, to say the least. From being on campus my freshman year to being in a hotel then getting sent home due to Covid-19 my sophomore year to being virtual my junior year to being on campus again my senior year, it’s been a lot. Despite the sadness I feel when thinking about the lack of “traditional” college experience I’ve had, I’m grateful for the time I’ve spent as a SHU student. A lot of what has remained the same over the years, however, are the physical places on campus. There have been many additions since my freshman year, but a lot has stayed the same. As I walk around campus today, I’ve realized just how many beautiful memories I have associated with certain places on campus. The following are some of my favorite locations and their accompanied memories:
Martire – I recently had my last class in this building and it made me emotional; this is the place I will probably miss the most. My major was based out of here and I took so many classes and met many great friends with similar passions as mine. From getting an Einsteins Pepperoni Chicken sandwich and a blackberry lemonade to recording a podcast episode with two of my friends, Amber and Lizzie, to meeting with the Spectrum Editorial Board, a lot of great memories were made within these walls. I also love the memory of Big Little Reveal for fall 2021 in the Martire Forum where we added to my Kappa Alpha Theta fam line. Our fam consisted of my little, Alana, and my g-little, Cassie; we then added my gg-little, Victoria, to the fam.
Linda’s – Some of my favorite memories from here include Victoria Mescall, former Spectrum Editor-in-Chief. I met her when I was a freshman and she was a senior; I ended up following in her footsteps in a lot of ways. Whether it was getting breakfast wraps from the burger station or hanging out at lunchtime, she was a constant friend that year and is someone I still keep in touch with. Another favorite memory of mine from Linda’s was when the burger station started asking for your name for your order. People accidentally taking your food was a thing of the past and boy was I ecstatic.
JP’s Diner – This campus location has always been one of my favorites because of the delicious food and Jersey diner vibes it gives off. I have so many great memories from here, like falling in love with their Grilled Chicken Pesto Panini to watching the sunset right over the softball field to getting dinner so many times with my good friends Marcus and Allie.
Roncalli Hall – Before I was an RSA in this building, I took graphic design classes here on the second floor. These were some of my favorite I’ve taken at SHU and I have some amazing memories of learning all about the future career path I want to take, as well as connecting with other designers who love it just as much as me. I have also been an RSA in this building for my senior year and while it was definitely challenging at times, I am grateful for the experience and the people I’ve met. Some of my good friends came into my life through this, such as Amanda, Victoria, Casey and Emaly. I’ve made countless memories with them in Roncalli and will cherish their friendship for years to come.
Pio Village/The Steps – During my sophomore year, I stayed in a hotel. This was for the fall semester while SHU finished up construction on the first two buildings and the steps of what would eventually be known as Pio Village. In January 2020, I moved into Frassati Hall with three of my good friends, Maddie, Christina and Andrea. One of my favorite memories was move-in and how happy we all felt to be back on campus again. This was cut short, however, due to being sent home in March 2020. Fast forward to my senior year, I’ve made more amazing memories in this area of campus, like meeting Jackie, my Spectrum Assistant PR Manager, for the first time in person, as well as eating lunch with different friends on sunny days.
Overall, the past couple of years at Sacred Heart have been a wild ride but I have made the best of it, despite everything thrown my way. While I’m ready to move on to the next chapter of my life, I’m confident these memories and friends will always stay with me as I navigate my new normal away from SHU.