By Natalie Cioffari & Jessica Chaloux
Editor-In-Chief & Managing Editor
‘Twas the night before Spectrum Mondays, and all through the office, not a creature was stirring except for Natalie and Jess trying to figure out what they wanted on the front cover…
For the past 14 weeks, our lives have been filled with wonderful first experiences as stressed as we have been throughout the semester. As a power duo, we had many firsts together, like our first time publishing the Spectrum as Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor, and our first Sunday board meetings. This also included the first time ordering pizza together and getting cream of broccoli soup at the diner and even going to paint night on the one Monday we didn’t need to publish a paper.
It was magical, in case you were wondering.
We continued these traditions all semester and pushed through with all of our overloading school work. As seniors, our classes might be more focused on our Media Arts and Journalism majors, the work has begun to pile up. Assignments might not be as tedious day to day, but have been more focused on long-term deadlines.
If you are not a communications student, you might be thinking to yourself that we have it easy. Yes, we will admit that we do not have terribly scary tests. We give you all the credit in the world for being about to do that, our brains are not wired that way. But our projects take weeks and sometimes months to finish.
Let’s take senior project for example. Who knew that a semester could fly by so quickly leaving you kicking yourself for not being more on top of your deadlines. (Sorry Professor Castonguay, it’s getting done, we promise).
To add on top to the never ending stress of senior year and Spectrum, try realizing how many lasts are passing you by. Yes, we still have our spring semester of senior year left, but what about our last Halloween at Sacred Heart being over, or tree lighting? Our last holiday photo with Spectrum and Santacon as undergraduates. This time next year we will be somewhere in the workforce or in Grad School trying to figure out what the next step is.
The past four months flew by us way too quickly than we could have ever expected. There were a lot of tears, but also a lot of laughs. Being here from Sunday night to practically all day Monday into Tuesday was one of the hardest things we could ever get used to and have expected.
Yet, we would never change it for the world.
Being the two head editors of Spectrum is a tough, yet rewarding job. We couldn’t be more proud of the amazing staff and writers we had this semester. As we close a chapter on some of our firsts and lasts, we hope that next semester can only bring more amazing memories.
Thank you Spectrum for giving us another reason to be thankful and blessed this holiday season.