“Coming here from California, the driving rules are definitely different and take time to adjust to. With certain speed limits on California highways, one is able to go 65 mph, whereas in Connecticut, the general rule is 55 mph,” said sophomore Kaitlin Dyer.
Sacred Heart University has students that come from different areas and regions. During a student’s sophomore year, the university permits them to start bringing a car on campus. Many students end up participating in a parking lottery to ensure they secure a spot somewhere on or off campus.
“I am from Massachusetts, but I do not think I would say that my state has the ‘best drivers,’ but I would say they are the best compared to some New Jersey and Connecticut drivers,” said senior Ally Peto. “I think part of the reason why drivers here or in New Jersey are not as friendly might be due to the drivers’ education programs being different for some young drivers. I also think getting used to being on the road with different state drivers and adjusting to certain rules can play a factor for what state does have the best drivers.”
Some seniors who have now been here the longest out of other students have similar opinions on what it is like driving in Connecticut compared to other states. Seniors who do live off campus become more likely to drive around the Connecticut area as they will not be on campus as much. It becomes a constant routine for them to witness the similarities and differences on the road.
“Out of the 18 years of living in the Boston area, I have never felt so uneasy about driving until I have driven in Connecticut these past couple of years,” said senior Nicole Ferrero. “The lack of turn signals, not yielding to stop signs and the list goes on. I feel like I have to triple-check when I’m driving in Connecticut because I cannot trust some of the drivers here.”
Some students share a positive experience when driving with others who come from a different state and have become more observant when driving with others who might be unfamiliar with the area they are currently in.
Sophomore Lauren Cote said, “I personally have had a great experience driving with people from different states. I will say I am much more alert just because that is how I am when driving somewhere far from home and I am not the one behind the wheel.”
“I am a Connecticut driver and I know we are not the best, but we are also not the worst either. As for other states, I think Rhode Island drivers are pretty good,” said junior Dani Savino.