Ye, formally known as Kanye West, has been in the spotlight for his antisemitic remarks. As a result, partnerships with Adidas, Gap, Balenciaga, Vogue, and others have been terminated.
“Based on the gravity of his statements, his refusal to apologize, and the harmful impact his words are having in spreading antisemitism across the country, I believe it is perfectly appropriate for companies to cancel their business relationships with him,” said Rabbi Joshua Ratner, Jewish Chaplain of the Office of Mission Integration and Ministry at Sacred Heart University, “West spewed a series of offensive claims drawing on conspiratorial theories about Jewish power and control in the entertainment industry and in the business world.”
Over the years, West has amassed much success but has been embattled with many scandals. His controversial statements on racial and political topics, his conflicts with other performers, and his divorce from Kim Kardashian are all reasons that have kept him relevant in the news.
According to the Associated Press, Ye has alienated even ardent fans in recent years. Those close to him, like Kardashian and her family, have ceased publicly defending him after the couple’s bitter divorce and his unsettling posts about her recent relationship with comedian Pete Davidson.
“I think Kayne is a great artist that has just let the fame, money, and power get to his head. He has become more of a polarizing and controversial celebrity instead of focusing more importantly on his art,” said sophomore Pietro Tripodi.
Source: AP News Ye’s public opinion in the past has turned heads and changed views on him, but his most recent tweet is now ruining his career indefinitely. Source: @dripyturkey (Instagram)
Kanye West, now legally named “Ye”, was dropped from his partnership with Adidas after
making antisemitic comments on social media.
Although many people believe that West has crossed the line with his recent statements, some still value and support him.
“The way I see it, I still like listening to Kanye’s music. Obviously, the things he said are absurd and hurtful, but that to me is separate from his music career. That’s why I still listen to his music, and it doesn’t turn me off to it,” said sophomore Jeremy McKenna.
“I think he doesn’t really deserve the fame anymore and it’s more of just the fallout from this making him more famous,” said McKenna, “Kanye is kind of losing it, and for his sake, it would be nice to see him make a comeback.”
In previous statements, West has admitted to having bipolar disorder, and in many of his song lyrics, he shows that he has been strongly affected by mental illness and drug abuse throughout his career.
“I don’t agree with the statements that Kayne has made but I know that he is dealing with mental and emotional health issues. He has spoken about it publicly, but no one has really helped him or tried to talk to him about his issues,” said junior Ishpal Pandhal. “It just shows how there is not much awareness of men’s mental health.”
In recent months, there has been a rise in antisemitic attacks across the nation. These comments from West and silence from other celebrities has not helped.
“Instead of apologizing for these harmful remarks, West doubled down on them, repeating them over and over, and igniting other purveyors of hate such as the extremist Goyim Defense League to put up a banner in Los Angeles reading ‘Kanye is right about the Jews’ while giving Nazi salutes,” said Ratner.
Alejandro Ramos contributed to this article.