By Diana Lento
Staff Writer
Pumpkin Spice is an annual delicacy that many look forward to.
Pumpkin spice is a common sign of the approaching fall season, which inspires people to enter in the “PSL” (Pumpkin Spice Latte) mindset.
“I am a fan of pumpkin spice. I actually just tried it for the first time last year. I was pleasantly surprised because I really liked it,” said senior Caroline Welch.
Some students claimed they would enjoy pumpkin spice during the other seasons of the year as well.
“If it was sold off-season I would still drink it. I wish that it was sold all year long,” said Welch.
Because of the success that pumpkin spice has had in the past, food and product manufactuers have taken advantage of the fall trend.
“Pillsbury just came out with pumpkin spice cinnamon buns and I can’t wait to try them out,” said Welch.
Pumpkin spice has also expanded into the ice cream industry. Companies such as Halo Top and Ben and Jerry’s have released pumpkin spice flavors.
Likewise, breakfast has also been taken over by the trend. Grocery stores are now selling pumpkin spice-flavored cereals, coffee creamers, and of course, coffee.
Pumpkin spice-flavored candy also comes with the fall trend. M&M’s has pumpkin spice-flavored candies, Werther’s has pumpkin spice caramels, and Nestle has even released pumpkin spice Kit Kats.
Companies that produce baked goods are also participaing in the trend, as they are releasing baked goods featuring the pumpkin spice flavor.
“In terms of baked goods, I’ve had pumpkin spice-flavored muffins and brownies. I loved it in muffins,” said senior Ryan Borchard.
However, while the trend is becoming more popular, some students have expressed their dislike for the pumpkin spice franchise.
“I don’t like the smell or taste of pumpkin spice. I also don’t like that if I tell someone I don’t like pumpkin spice, it’s the end of the world,” said senior Olivia DeFabritiis.
Recently, Dunkin’ Donuts released a pumpkin spice-flavored cream cheese to celebreate the fall season, which some people felt may have been a step in wrong direction.
“The pumpkin cream cheese made me sick as soon as I took one bite. But Dunkin’s pumpkin spice coffee is actually really good,” said senior Mark Boyle.
Look for all the pumpkin spice-flavored products in your local grocery store and see for yourself how far pumpkin spice will go.