BY Melanie DaSilva
Sports Editor
When it comes to school, not many of us like to wake up early, including myself. However, in the debate between morning classes and night classes, I definitely would choose morning classes. Here at Sacred Heart University, I had the opportunity to play for the school’s Division I soccer team for the past three and a half years. With that being said, we had practices extremely early almost every single day, so we were restricted with which class times we could register to take each semester. Since I was restricted with time slots for classes, I would be awake for soccer practice for as early as 6am and end my day with classes as late as 7:30 p.m.
Every semester when I walked out of class at 7:30 p.m. I wondered what it would be like if I could take all of my classes in the morning, and then just enjoy the rest of my afternoon and night. Well luckily for those who play a sport that has a fall season, your second semester senior year you do not have to worry about your sport’s practice schedules since you are officially done playing. As sad as I was for my season to end this past fall, I could finally test my theory to see how it would feel to take all morning classes, and I was right. Even though no one likes to wake up early for an 8 a.m. class, being done with classes as late as 2 p.m. really makes a difference for me. I am able to then take the day to focus on my homework, go to the gym, and even have some sort of a social life! I used to enjoy sleeping in to 11 a.m. every day, but I quickly realized that half of my day was over at that point. With soccer taking up my entire morning, it felt like I slept in until 11 a.m. because then half of my day was over when I started everything I needed to do. So, there you have it, morning classes really aren’t that bad. They actually prepare you for the working world with getting up early every single day. Morning classes rock.