The Sacred Heart University’s Student Government’s annual fall election takes place on Sept. 14. This semester the elections are geared toward the entire first year board which includes the President of the class of 2027, the Vice President, the Traditions Chair, and the Class Relations Chair.
“The fall elections are a vital part of student government’s year as it sets up the first-year class’s board,” said second year graduate assistant Angelika Demestihas. “It is so important to get the message of elections out there so the first-year class can be set up for a successful year of events and coming together.”
Other areas of student government with availability to apply to are the class of 2024 Traditions Chair and Class Relations Chair, as well as on the Senate Board and the Judicial Board.
“This Student Government elections is the beginning of a new year for the organizations,” said senior Student Government President Megan Clifford. “Every election always feels like a fresh start for us as an organization and we are so excited to work with all who join us this year.”
To apply to Student Government, it was required you attend an information session and then submit an election packet. Information sessions were held Sept. 5-7 at both 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. Election packets were due by 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 7.
At these sessions, students are presented slideshows with information on student government as well as breakdowns on the roles and requirements of each position.
“The info sessions are an opportunity for those interested in applying to not only understand what student government does, but also to understand what would be required of them in varying roles,” said Demestihas. “It is a key part of elections so the students applying know what is expected of them behind the positions they are applying for.”
Sacred Heart’s Student Government held multiple info sessions in preparation for the upcoming elections.
Source: Instagram, @shustudentgovStudent Government is getting students motivated to vote with food trucks on election day.
Source: Instagram, @shustudentgov
There are two events that correspond with the student government elections, What’s the Scoop with SG and Democracy is Delicious.
What’s the Scoop with SG is on Sept. 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. on the Chapel Quad.
“At this event, students can learn about who student government is and what we do for the students,” said Clifford.
Democracy is delicious is on Sept. 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. This event takes place on election day. There are food trucks and QR codes encouraging students to vote for the students running for positions in their class year.
“I think the last election we had in the spring semester had such a sizable turnout that we can expect to see large numbers again this semester,” said senior Finance Comptroller for Student Government Boris Paul. “I think this election will be just as good.”
Student government has future elections in both the winter and the spring in order to fill positions that have been emptied by students graduating as well as to elect positions for the upcoming school year.
“I am excited to see what the election brings in terms of the new student government members and I am sure they will be extremely successful,” said Demestihas.