By Natalie Cioffari
I think I may be one of the few college students that actually enjoys Monday.
Yes, that’s right. I like Mondays.
It all started three years ago when I accepted the position as assistant arts and entertainment editor. During this time I got into Professor Kabak’s News Writing & Reporting class.
This meant that Sundays and Mondays I would be editing and placing the paper, Tuesdays I would be in the class and the rest of the week I would be writing my article.
Then, the cycle would start all over again, and it would stay like this for the next three years.
It became such a routine that it was second nature to me. I loved being in the office so much that I would schedule my meals and my appointments around it.
Sundays would come and I would hear my roommates and my friends complaining about the starts of a new week and the dreaded Monday.
However, I would wake up feeling energizing, ready to take on the task of whatever Spectrum would bring me. It was something I looked forward to every single week, and I loved that my life became so involved with Spectrum. I really do not think I could imagine my life without Spectrum Mondays.
Does this make me crazy?
Let me answer that for you: maybe.
But really just means that I loved something so much that it gave me such great joy every single week, even if it was on Mondays. Journalism was my passion, and The Spectrum Newspaper brought that out by three hundred percent.
That love would only increase throughout my junior and senior year. I took the head arts and entertainment editor my junior year, and editor in chief my senior year.
My Spectrum Mondays became so much more hectic with the more responsibilities I had.
The anticipation of a new Spectrum Monday gave me so much excitement. Granted there were times where I dreaded coming in because I knew we had a lot of work to do with articles, but hey it’s all a learning experience right?
See, the thing I love about journalism is that it always changes. Your job is never going to stay the same and your task for each day is going to be different.
Spectrum Mondays gave me a sense of purpose. I didn’t care that I had to spend nearly 12 hours in once place, or that I would only eat one meal a day. I loved every second of it.
I am definitely going to miss Spectrum Mondays and having Jess be with my nearly every second of it. She not only became my right hand man in the paper, but my best friend. I am so happy to share a love of journalism with such an amazing human being. I can only wish that we could work together forever.
As I move onto graduation and my master’s degree, I believe that Spectrum Mondays will continue in some way. Yes, I will have moved onto another job within my field, but I will still get to be doing what I love.
If you have something that gives you so much job and happiness, who cares what day of the week you have to go into work? Spectrum Mondays will forever hold a place in my heart, and I hope that my next job will be able to live up to the expectation and greatness I had with Spectrum.
Until then, it’s been a pleasure being your editor in chief.
Good luck to the editorial board next year, you guys are going do great things for this university.