By Kelsey Hor
Staff Reporter
Do you like to drink beer? Is there a certain brand or type of beer you love?
Sacred Heart University’s very own Red’s is know as a place for students, faculty and visitors to come together, have a fun time and drink.
“I normally go to Red’s two to three times a week. It’s a great way to wind down after a long day of classes and work,” said senior Victoria Saporito. “It’s awesome that we don’t have to break our banks or drive to local bars.”
After a busy day of classes, some students go to Red’s having a preference to certain beers over others that are served there.
“My favorite beer at Red’s is Shock Top,” said senior Elizabeth Calianese. “It has a citrusy taste to it and it is very refreshing.”
Shock Top is one out of the four beers Red’s permanently keeps on the bar’s menu. Bud Light, Angry Orchard and Big Red Ale are the other three beers that are here to stay for anyone who is a regular.
“There is 16 beers on tap and they rotate weekly,” said Michael Moylan, Director of Student Union. “We serve everything from commercial domestics, commercial imports and also special kinds of U.S. microbrews. We also serve wine and beverages such as Spiked Seltzer, hard sodas, or anything that is a malted alcohol beverage.”
Moylan states there are different factors that go into what beer is being served at a particular time.
“We decide the beer that we serve upon student’s request and what the distributors have to offer. We take into consideration what people ask for. A lot of our beers are seasonal and some of our beers that are offered now in the year will not be offered again,” said Moylan. “For instance, Oktoberfest is ending so all the winter beers are here like the Samuel Adams’ Winter and the Shipyards’ Winter. It’s very seasonal and we are constantly rotating our beers.”
Although many students are satisfied with the beer selection at Red’s, other students would make minor suggestions from their personal preferences as to what they would like to include on the beer menu.
“I’m very content with the beer selection they have at Red’s, but if I had the chance to choose a new beer for them to sell, I’d want to see them serve Miller Lite,” said Calianese.
Other students want to put in some other alcoholic beverages on the menu besides beer, wine and malts.
“I think it would be cool if Red’s served mixed drinks, but besides beer, they do have a good selection of drinks for us non-beer lovers which I like,” said Saporito.
Although some students have opinions on certain aspects that they believe should be changed at Red’s, a good number of students are satisfied overall with Red’s.
“I wouldn’t change a thing about Red’s,” said Calianese. “Everyone who works there is super nice and just adds to the awesome Red’s environment.”