Last year, with Covid-19, Black Friday shopping consisted mainly of online shopping with sales on websites, and in-person shopping limited to a certain number of people in stores at all times. This year, companies will continue to host online sales during Black Friday, but according to Good Morning America’s predictions, many stores plan to have more in-person shoppers than last year.
“I am not going Black Friday shopping this year, it has never really been a tradition for my family,” said sophomore Jamie McDevitt.
Some students are excited to get back into the stores this year.
“I am so glad we have a more normal year this year so I can go shopping in person again with less anxiety about crowds,” said junior Haley Sullivan.
Some have never gone Black Friday shopping and want to experience it this year.
“It will be my first year going Black Friday shopping, and I am so excited to take advantage of some deals,” said sophomore Jess Catterson.
With some stores open on Thanksgiving, some people may go Black Friday shopping a day before to get their gifts early to avoid lines and empty shelves.
“I like to go Black Friday shopping after Thanksgiving dinner to get a head start on the crowds,” said junior Kyle Saulnier.
To some, shopping online is preferred since shopping in person is not easy with packed crowds and lines.
“I always shop online during Black Friday because the stores are always super crowded, and it makes shopping unenjoyable,” said junior Julianna Tyznar.
Some students still feel uneasy about shopping in large crowds as Covid-19 spikes during holiday seasons.
“I still am choosing to do my shopping online this year because I still want to avoid crowded areas as much as possible, especially with some mask mandates being lifted,” said junior Anna Richards.
Some students feel if everyone is mindful of crowds and wears a mask, in-person shopping should not cause too much harm.
“I am definitely going to keep COVID-19 in mind as I am shopping in crowds, so I am wearing a mask and bringing hand sanitizer to make me feel more comfortable. I feel that if everyone does their part and wears a mask and tries their best to social distance, we will have a safe shopping experience,” said sophomore Daniella Bruno.
On the contrary, due to supply chain issues and shortages, online shopping may become more difficult for Black Friday shoppers, which is another reason why some may opt to go in person.
“I would rather go in-person shopping especially now with shortages and delays, since I won’t have to worry about delays in shipment,” said sophomore Casey Donofrio.
Some students are taking advantage of in-person Black Friday deals to have their gifts on time for the holiday season.
“I am going shopping in person to look for presents to get my friends and family for the holiday season, so I do not have to rely on shipping dates,” said freshman Jackie Gilien.