In Professor Jonas Zdany’s ENG-273 class, students have become poets. The class has worked on crafting different styles of poems throughout the semester. Here are some we’d like to showcase to end the semester with some creativity!
“Sunlight Cycle” by Angelina Spiezio
The sunlight cascades from my window
Reflecting on my awaking soul
Piercing my body with light
As I inhale,
in goes the gold dust of the sun
As I exhale,
out goes the smoke from moon
A new day.
With a face of transcendence:
I face a day of beauty.
I face a day of light.
“Let’s Pretend” by Ashley Canto
Let’s pretend we are fairies
Helping mother nature bring in the seasons
Let’s pretend we’re in our own house
We will be the parents
And this rock will be our dog
Let’s pretend that we are pirates
Leading on a journey
Through the high seas in an attempt
To collect treasure from far away lands
Let’s pretend we are princesses
With tiaras and gowns
We need to hurry because
the ball is about to begin
With princes and princesses,
And hopefully
We will be home before midnight
Because at midnight,
All this pretend goes away
The pumpkins and pirates
And fairies flying in the sky
And our house has been abandoned for some time
But what if we revisit this make-believe land?
What if we go back to that house,
And I’ll be the mom,
And this rock will be the dog,
Will you pretend with me?
What’s stopping us from going back to this place?
Who’s telling me we can’t pretend anymore?
Because when I sit in my apartment, alone, during the night,
On a call with my love
I think to myself
Let’s pretend we have a family,
A house,
And a dog,
And we live happily ever after.
Featured image: Dorrian Stangel, Pollinator Garden at West Campus