Molly Jacob, Jordan Greene, and Kallie Shanahan are all Sacred Heart students who are currently working in the sports media world. Each student has a different perspective on the industry.
Jordan Greene pictured at Yankee Stadium, where he is interning with the YES Network.
Source: Contributed by Jordan Greene, ’25Kallie Shanahan (left) pictured in the Martire Family Arena, where she is interning with SHU Hockey,
Source: Instagram, @kallieshanahan.sports
Shanahan, a junior, has always had a deep-rooted passion for sports and credits her dad for it.
“I remember my dad always had hockey on, so I would always go in the living room and the game would be on so I would just sit down and watch it. Ever since then, I was just always interested in it and always had a passion for hockey specifically,” said Shanahan.
This passion for hockey led Shanahan to her current role as the video board operator for the Bridgeport Islanders.
“It is a really great opportunity, and I am so grateful. It’s really a reflection of how hard I have worked over the past couple of years, and I am excited to get started,” said Shanahan.
Greene, who’s also a junior, is currently a writer for the Yankee Entertainment and Sport Network (YES) for Nets Daily, which is one of the largest news publications for the Brooklyn Nets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is also a member of the Sacred Heart Track team.
Greene credited YES Network analyst Jack Curry for his internship.
“I met Jack Curry in High School. I had written an article about one of my basketball teammates who had scored 1000 points. He had read that article before he came to our class, so he knew who I was. We kept a relationship throughout high school and then this past summer he recommended me for an internship with YES Network which then turned into a job with them,” said Greene.
Jacob, a senior, also works for YES network as a runner and research assistant. Jacob was able to get this job through connections with her neighbors, as one attended a spin class with the creative director of the YES Network.
On top of the YES Network, she also works in the NBC Sports Studios for Football Night in America and works on-site for NFL games.
Molly Jacob reporting a SHU football game.
Source: Grace Horton, ’26Molly Jacob doing a mock report for the YES Network.
Source: Contributed by Molly Jacob, ’24
“Believe in yourself. There are going to be so many people that doubt you or you know, tell you something that you may not agree with. You kind of just have to believe in yourself and remember your passion,” said Jacob.
Jacob believes remembering your passion is important because the sports media industry is very demanding.
“There’s going to be long days, there’s going to be rejection but as long as you stick to yourself and have a consistent positive attitude and show consistent effort, you will get to where you want to be,” said Jacob.