Are you looking for a new way to work out and exercise but are having a hard time finding the motivation? Well, Bobby Valentine’s Health and Recreation Center (Bobby V’s) is currently hosting themed spin classes.
“I think themed spin classes are a great way to get more students to participate and look forward to class,” said junior spin instructor Caroline Onderko. “It’s a way for students to add input into the classes they’re going to and increase participation.”
The first themed spin class was held on Wednesday, March 29, and the theme was “White Out.” Students were encouraged to wear white colored clothing, and if so, they would receive a glow stick for attending and participating with the class.
The next class that took place was the “Country Ride.” This class was held on Friday, March 31. “We were very curious to see how the Country Ride would turn out and were happy to have more than half of the bikes filled,’’ said Associate Director of Club Sports & Recreation, Liz McGreevy.
Poster advertising for the weekly themed spin classes.
Source: Liz McGreevy, Sacred Heart UniversityThe spin room located in the Bobby V Center, where weekly spin classes take place.
Source: Daniella Baldino, Staff Photographer
Spin classes are held weekly at various times for SHU students on the bottom floor of Bobby V’s.
“They are fun and bring a fresh take on class. The music will be a new mix and when you add any kind of theme you can add props like glow sticks or even costumes,” said McGreevy. “For someone new to class, it can engage them more and encourage them to become a regular.”
Students have a variety of classes throughout the week at various times to choose from.
“I love going to spin classes. They are such a fun way to get active,” said junior Brianna Russo. “I usually go to the night classes because they are a good way to end my day.”
“I always ask my classes what kind of music they want to listen to, and I ask for recommendations because I think it makes it more fun for the students when they get to listen to the music they want to hear,” said Onderko.
There are still three more themed classes to attend this semester and are being held on Friday, April 28, a “Neon Glow” class; Monday, May 1, “Class of ‘23” ride; and Wednesday, May 3, “Always a Pio” ride.
“I think my instructor running the “Always a Pio” ride is viewing that ride as bittersweet as this is her last year teaching here,” said McGreevy.
If you are interested in any of the themed classes or just want to attend a regular weekly class, you can visit the SHU fitness classes schedule on the website and register for a class.
“You can also go to @healthypioneer on Instagram and the link for class registration is right at the top of the page,” said Onderko. “The page also gives gym hours and class updates for all of the fitness classes so you can stay up to date on any changes to the schedule.”
Visit for more details and class registrations.